Can I Cook a Bdutch Baby in a Dish

Photo Courtesy: Bizarre FOODS/YouTube

Bizarre Foods' host Andrew Zimmern is a brave soul. Not only has he traveled to some potentially dangerous destinations around the globe, but he has also sampled some of the most gag-inducing dishes along the way. The man seems to have virtually no limits when it comes to food.

Of course, much of what he eats wouldn't even qualify as food for most people in the Western world. Perfect examples include moo-cow brains, grubs, fish eyes and tree bark — yes, that's right, tree bark. Think you're brave plenty to try everything Zimmern has tried? Well, you lot might want to think twice before giving these peculiar foods a gustatory modality.


The geoduck is definitely a strange animal. Scientifically, it'southward a blazon of large saltwater mollusk. Unofficially, it'southward an conflicting organism from a different dimension — we're sure of it. The elongated soft trunk resembles a certain part of human male beefcake, and it even spits out wastewater after feeding. Naturally, the host of Bizarre Foods but had to endeavor ane.

Photo Courtesy: Gunnhilduur/Wikimedia Commons

He got a prime number opportunity to do just that when he visited Seattle. A geoduck farm served as the background for Zimmern's gustation exam. Subsequently peeling a long, thin skin from a blanched geoduck, he sliced it up and chowed down. He claimed it tasted like "sea candy" — whatever that ways.

Iceland's national dishes are typically pretty outrageous by Western standards. The harsh, coastal environs of Republic of iceland has resulted in some creative uses of blood, brute livers and fresh seafood. One such cosmos is hákarl, which is fermented and dried strips of Greenland shark. Hákarl produces an overwhelming smell that is like to ammonia.

Photo Courtesy: Chris 73/Wikimedia Commons

Essentially, it smells like urine and cleaning products. Anyone with a sensitive sense of odor would run from hákarl — perhaps smartly so. Fresh Greenland shark meat is extremely poisonous if not prepared properly. Notwithstanding, Zimmern had to try the stuff during his 2008 trip to Iceland.


A dormouse isn't a mouse that prefers to use doors, although you could exist forgiven for bold such a thing. Instead, a dormouse is a type of tiny mouse that is native to pretty much the whole world, except for the Americas. They await like a mix between white lab mice and brown Syrian hamsters. They're adorable.

Photo Courtesy: Hinnerwaeldler/Pixabay

However, perhaps they're also incredibly tasty — at least, that's what Andrew Zimmern discerned during his visit to Republic of croatia in 2015. The Ancient Romans may accept treated dormice every bit a delicacy or dessert, but past today's standards, it just seems gross. It's a mouse!

Cane Toads

Cane toads wreak havoc in Australia, but Andrew Zimmern did his part to rid the sunny continent of i of its amphibian pests. In 2009, he explored the wild Australian Outback with an empty stomach and wide optics. While he sampled wallaby and crocodile, he also kept his centre out for the notorious pikestaff toad.

Photo Courtesy: Bernard DUPONT/Wikimedia Commons

This monstrous animal secretes a dangerous toxin that can cause paralysis and death, then eating i is reasonably risky. However, Zimmern was sure to consume the toad's legs without its pare. Patently, it tasted like craven. Who knew?


Fifty-fifty the host of Bizarre Foods isn't immune to an occasional phobia. For Zimmern, one of the most terrifying sights in the world is a fat spider. Many traditional Asian dishes feature insects and arachnids, which meant that Zimmern had to face his fear for this challenge — and then eat it.

Photo Courtesy: WikiImages/Pixabay

The year was 2010; the hamlet was Skuon. As Zimmern nervously giggled over a washtub total of live tarantulas, his appetite seemed to dwindle. Withal, after the hairy creatures were fried and removed from hot oil, he decided to take a bite. He and then claimed, "They gustation but similar soft vanquish venereal." Certain.


Minnesota is known as the American dwelling of the Vikings — and for good reason. Many descendants of the Nordic warriors concluded up making their home in the snowy state. They brought ancient customs and traditional dishes with them, and possibly the nigh famous dish is lutefisk. Fifty-fifty proud Minnesotans struggle to enjoy the aged, pickled fish creation.

Photograph Courtesy: mtcarlson/Flickr

Lutefisk is pickled in lye, an extremely corrosive fabric. By the time it's ready, it has taken on a jelly-like consistency. Ever wanted to try fish-flavored gelatin? Try lutefisk. Andrew Zimmern did, and he said it was similar "frozen Vaseline." Yuck!

Rotten Ketchup

Most people wisely run away from molds. Cheesemakers embrace the stuff, but at least they're very particular about the molds they permit. Consuming mold tin can make y'all very ill, which is why nosotros instinctively react with disgust when we find moldy food. Some folks in Missouri apparently missed out on that instinct.

Photo Courtesy: Rezarad/Wikimedia Commons

Keeping a vat of vinegar-based tomato plant paste covered in layers of multi-colored mold seems like an first-class way to take a health inspector called. Even Zimmern, who has tried and enjoyed some of the globe's about repulsive foods, admitted that he was sickened by the stuff.

Head Cheese

Two words: meat jelly. That's the best way to describe head cheese. It'due south an efficient use of leftover fauna parts that once became a pop, lavish dish. Present, it's merely unnecessarily gross. Zimmern, a homo who believes that every recipe deserves a chance to smooth, seemed to glow with excitement as he waited to try the gelatinous, meaty gunk.

Photo Courtesy: Tamorlan/Wikimedia Commons

While most tourists snacked on fluffy beignets, Zimmern made a beeline for the head cheese. Perhaps his enthusiasm — even more than the gruesome dish itself — was the about agonizing aspect of this encounter. Why become for the head cheese? Why?

Durian Fruit

The durian fruit is i of the virtually controversial fruits in the earth. While it may exist difficult to grasp the fact that fruit can produce controversy, stay with us here. Imagine a decadent, flossy, succulent fruity treat. At present imagine that magical food smells like the sweatiest, stinkiest feet in the world. Would y'all still consume it?

Photo Courtesy: Kate Bangkok/Pexels

That'south the dilemma many people face up when encountering the durian fruit. It smells like rotting onions just tastes far better, at to the lowest degree to some people, which is confusing. Zimmern plain didn't recall the fruit tasted much ameliorate than it smelled. He spat information technology out!

Coral Worms

Worms of whatsoever kind don't tend to trigger the appetite. Worms that live on coral reefs are included in that group. Of form, as you're probably now aware, gross foods are kind of Andrew Zimmern's matter. During his trip to Samoa, he was introduced to a detail species of coral worm that rises to the surface to die.

Photo Courtesy: q phia/Flickr

When the worm reaches the surface, the people harvest it, prepare it and eat it. Zimmern has reminisced that eating coral worms with native Samoans was 1 of the strangest and virtually surreal things he has e'er washed.

Equus caballus Rectum

In case yous're blissfully unaware of what a rectum is, here'due south a cursory lesson: Information technology's basically the inside of a butt — and all the carrion pass through it. Here'south another interesting slice of trivia for you lot: A equus caballus rectum is typically one foot long. Combining these two facts, y'all tin guess how enjoyable eating a horse rectum would be.

Photo Courtesy: Cyberspace Archive Book Images/Wikimedia Commons

But when in Kazakhstan, practise every bit Kazakhstanis exercise, right? That's what Zimmern decided in 2015 when he was offered horse meat and horse rectum. He even got the adventure to watch as they squeezed and rinsed the equus caballus dung from the rectum. That's just wrong.

Giraffe Weevil

Madagascar is home to some of the most unique species of flora and fauna in the world. It's besides a haven of health and safe in case of a worldwide pandemic. When Andrew Zimmern visited the island nation in 2011, the thing that caught his attention and his appetite was the tiny-yet-powerful giraffe weevil.

Photograph Courtesy: nomis-simon/Flickr

The insect looks like a trivial crane with a ruby-red back — or maybe a carmine giraffe, hence the name. These critters were sauteed and served to the adventurous host, who claimed that they tasted like shrimp. Sure, they exercise, Zimmern. Sure, they do.


Why are in that location so many fermented fish dishes? Honestly, they're nearly everywhere — except the good one-time U.s.A. This one hails from S Korea and consists of fermented skate (fish), which is a fiddling unique. Withal, every bit with folks in Minnesota, Due south Koreans have mixed feelings about hongeo-hoe. Some absolutely dear it, but quite a lot of people hate the fishy dish.

Photograph Courtesy: 자유로/Wikimedia Commons

Like many other fermented seafood dishes, it has a remarkably potent ammonia-similar odor and sense of taste. While some may say that information technology's merely an caused taste, many Westerners would say information technology'south rotten fish that needs to exist tossed immediately.


African dishes vary greatly, depending on the region where the dish originates. Enset is an Ethiopian dish that takes ages to make and even longer to scarf down. It'southward probable that it wouldn't seem very tasty to many people outside of Federal democratic republic of ethiopia. That's because enset is a blazon of bread made from a mashed-up, pulpy ball of crushed and fermented roots.

Photo Courtesy: Italian male child/Wikimedia Eatables

Is your mouth watering however? Perhaps information technology would aid to know that this pulpy mash is buried underneath a pile of leaves and dirt for months before condign enset. Zimmern barely high-strung the moldy globs down.


This dish is non merely vomitous, but it's also agonizing. Balut is a traditional dish in the Philippines, and fortunately for people everywhere, it hasn't caught on in the rest of the world. Information technology is essentially a boiled bird embryo that is eaten directly from the shell.

Photo Courtesy: shankar s./Flickr

That'southward right. It'southward basically like taking a shot of baby bird. Having to stare at the lifeless animate being that never got to experience life is depressing plenty without having to think most eating it. However, Zimmern seemed unfazed past the gooey embryo when he tried balut in 2007.

Wasp Larvae

When you lot call up about picking up snacks, do you ever consider just harvesting some wasp larvae? If you're like the bulk of the population, you probably answered no, fifty-fifty if yous're now considering it. Zimmern has non only eaten wasp larvae, just he too ate pismire larvae, beetle larvae and cricket larvae.

Photo Courtesy: SERGEI BYKOVSKII/Wikimedia Commons

All the same, knocking a wasp's nest down to harvest its immature is pretty insane. Apparently, a quick eddy is all you need to loosen the larvae from their nesting places. A quick tap and the tiny grubs will shower down into your chip bowl. You know, if yous're into that.

Century Egg

The notorious century egg has been used as a challenge in Food Gene and is often considered i of the most complex and refined dishes — from a culinary perspective. It is besides 1 of the most hated foods in the world. Also known as a 100-year-former egg, a century egg is a barely-preserved duck or chicken egg that has been fermented.

Photograph Courtesy: Kent Wang/Wikimedia Commons

These eggs don't actually take a century to brand. Instead, you could have a dozen in the matter of a few months. But why would you? They smell like sulfur and death. Zimmern's seemed but barely aged compared to typical examples.

Gigantic Sea Squirt

Zimmern'due south trip to Santiago, Chile, resulted in i of the strangest seafood samplings ever presented on the show. The gigantic bounding main eject, a popular folk aphrodisiac, tasted like a combination of oysters, sea urchins, the ocean and fermentation. While that description is certain to turn off some seafood lovers, it probably excites a few others.

Photograph Courtesy: Nhobgood Nick Hobgood/Wikimedia Commons

If you're willing to make the trip to Southward America, you can experience the unforgettably pungent, salty and slightly rancid taste of Chilean sea squirts. If the locals are to be believed, you may want to take a date with yous.

Beef Tongue Water ice Cream

Nippon is home to some of the wackiest and nearly interesting nutrient creations in the earth, including beefiness tongue water ice foam. The proper noun isn't a gimmick. The soft-serve stuff is actually made with real beefiness tongues, resulting in an irony, salty, savory product.

Photo Courtesy: Reformatt Show/YouTube

Sure, salary on donuts is pretty smashing, but beefiness tongue ice cream? Zimmern might have licked it all upwardly with a grinning on his confront, but most people would probably just choose classic chocolate, vanilla or strawberry if given the adventure. Likewise, it'due south a bit weird to tongue-up creamy beef tongue, don't you lot think?

Jellied Moose Nose

This disgusting dish would be awful, fifty-fifty if it weren't jellied, just the fact that it is makes the dish so much worse. Yet, you have to hand information technology to Alaskans. They sure take some ingenious methods of making meat last longer. To survive the long, harsh winters, you would have to have a tough tummy.

Photo Courtesy: Info Stor/YouTube

Zimmern got to experience the truthful depths of Alaskan cuisine in 2007. While reindeer, snow hares and fifty-fifty tundra moss were feasible options, he ended up with one of the virtually revolting dishes ever featured on the show.


Florida is total of some interesting characters. Zimmern's adventures in the Florida Keys proved to exist surprisingly educational as well as tasty. But like many things involving the Sunshine Land, there was also a picayune danger involved. In 2014, Zimmern joined an experienced crew of divers and fisherman in a hunt for lionfish.

Photo Courtesy: Bizarre FOODS/YouTube

The invasive species is a threat to native Florida flora and brute, so the Bizarre Foods host lent a manus in capturing a few and turning them into lunch. That's all fine and dandy, until you consider the fact that lionfish are venomous.


Yes, penises, as in more than one penis. The jolly host of Bizarre Foods has wolfed down his fair share of male genitalia, all of it belonging to various non-human animals, of course. Zimmern showed a noticeable preference for a specific type of animate being phallus: ox penises.

Photo Courtesy: Schilthuizen/Wikimedia Eatables

When asked which of the penises he had tried tasted the all-time, he quickly responded that ox genitalia was the almost delicious. He went on to clarify that larger brute penises make more satisfying meals than small ones. All of this is blench-inducing, gag-worthy and absolutely outrageous.


If y'all go nauseous or overnice at the sight — or even the thought — of gore, information technology may exist best to skip this one. The placenta is an organ, and we are technically built-in with it, merely it can only be plant inside meaning mammals. It acts every bit a protective internal sac that nourishes and strengthens gestating offspring.

Photograph Courtesy: أمين/Wikimedia Commons

The placenta is ejected from the body during birth, resulting in a big gory mess. Notwithstanding, it is total of nutrients which may be why Andrew Zimmern was and so keen to try a chip of moo-cow placenta in Seattle.

Aboriginal Bog Butter

Peat bogs accept a remarkable way of preserving ancient objects. Dishware, parts of buildings, people, clothing and fifty-fifty nutrient have been constitute cached in bogs. The naturally acidic water and anaerobic environment has a fashion of freezing organic material in fourth dimension, including a big hunk of bog butter discovered in Ireland.

Photo Courtesy: Bazonka/Wikimedia Eatables

Zimmern was shocked and delighted when his hosts brought the 3,000-yr-old dairy product out for inspection and taste-tasting. It may have shown obvious signs of age and wear, merely the wildly curious Zimmern was able to discern unlike types of brute milk in the butter. Crazy.

Tuna Sperm

Consuming sperm of any kind is a pretty controversial idea. Fish sperm seems like a completely unnecessary ingredient, but information technology proved to exist absolutely crucial to Andrew Zimmern'south time in Sicily. Near a modest line-fishing village, the Bizarre Foods host was propositioned in the virtually unlikely way.

Photograph Courtesy: Schellack/Wikimedia Commons

The already salty sperm was salted and served to the curious epicurean to astounding acclaim. Zimmern loved the taste of the stuff, despite its off-putting look and origin. Still, this is coming from a guy who has eaten multiple penises and a rectum or ii, so why were we surprised?

Sheep Head

Eating the head of whatever animal is kind of gross. It's a beastly, violent human action that well-nigh people avoid. Andrew Zimmern delights in doing the things that well-nigh people wouldn't dare do, especially when it comes to eating ghastly foods. This all led to a showdown betwixt Zimmern and fermented sheep's head in Iceland.

Photo Courtesy: Insider/YouTube

Depending on how you look at it, either the sheep'south caput won — considering, later on all, it was eaten — or Zimmern won. The simply losers in this situation are the entire audience, who may struggle to keep their dinners down while watching this.

Bounding main Cucumber

While a sea cucumber might seem like a salty vegetable, it'south really a living beast. It even has a single gonad, assuasive information technology to release sperm or ova. Consequently, a sea cucumber sandwich probably wouldn't taste every bit great every bit a regular cucumber sandwich.

Photo Courtesy: Bernard DUPONT/Wikimedia Commons

Still, that didn't stop Andrew Zimmern from giving the strange aquatic animal a few nibbles while he soaked up some Florida sunday. Without seasoning, sea cucumber apparently just tastes similar slippery pettiness with a slight hint of the sea. That makes for a disappointing snack that certainly can't compete with land cucumbers.


Eating brains of any kind is fairly gross. Again, instinct teaches us that eating raw organs — that would include the brain — could lead to potential impairment. A few diseases are fifty-fifty spread past ingesting an infected raw encephalon, including Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Still, that hasn't stopped culinary explorers from dipping into the gray matter for a high-class snack.

Photograph Courtesy: Javier Lastras/Wikimedia Commons

Zimmern has tried moo-cow brains, sheep brains and hog brains. If Chinese legends concerning the power of eating brains are true, he is at present a fully-certified member of MENSA. If they're not, he may desire to get tested for potentially insidious diseases.


Our natural human being instincts have developed over millennia in response to various threats. This is why humans naturally fear certain types of animals or insects. Looking at the stonefish, information technology'south easy to see why it's not a common ingredient in seafood dishes. Besides, the proper name isn't exactly highly-seasoned. Goats may eat rocks, but people tend to avoid them.

Photograph Courtesy: walknboston/Flickr

The real kicker is that stonefish are some of the deadliest and near venomous fish in the world. Over again, instinct proves to be there for a reason. And one time once more, Zimmern went against that instinct to try the fish. Information technology tasted sweet!

Stinky Tofu

Tofu isn't everyone's cup of tea, and stinky tofu is some next-level stuff. It contains 39 volatile organic compounds. In layman's terms, that means it stinks. Many have compared the scent of stinky tofu to that of a massive landfill or a pile of messy diapers. These descriptions make information technology difficult to believe that anyone would choose to eat it.

Photo Courtesy: BlueJules/Flickr

But people like Andrew Zimmern exist all over the world, and they are determined to chow down on the weirdest foods. Stinky tofu is rather salubrious if you can go past the smell of rot, fermentation and decay.


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